Customs House
Museum & Cultural Center
Clarksville - Tennessee - USA
August 25 - October 4, 2015
Satisfação em participar desta exposição coletiva de artistas do mundo todo, que participam do grupo artístico criado na mídia do facebook por Kitty Harvill, onde a cada semana ela lança um desafio de uma criatividade sobre um animal ou uma paisagem, com um significado especial, através de fotos postadas por ela.
Para esta exibição neste belo Museu de Clarksville, organizada por Terri Jordan em parceria com Kitty Harvill, foram selecionados alguns "momentos" de desafio, como:
Week 4 – Fiddleheads
Week 15 – Sumatran Tiger
Week 16 – Endangered cherry-throated tangier
Week 18 – Germany
Week 19 - Black-faced Lion Tamarin
Minha participação foi com a obra
Birgitte Tümmler: "Black-faced Lion Tamarin 2015 "- acrylic on paper - 27 x 38 cm |
e eis o resultado dessa coletânea através da montagem/colagem feita por Kitty:
Artistas participantes:
Kitty Harvill
Christoph Hrdina
Christoph Hrdina
Anne Lyon
Nancy Bryant
Birgitte Tümmler
Lynne Waters Griffey
Mew Hunt
Robin Miller Bookhout
Madeline Mobley
Sidney Mobley
Judith MacKay
Maureen Rousseau
Becky Richardson Senisse
Virginia Potter
Diana L. Andersen
Heather Beckham
Pilan Butts
Terri Jordan
Alli Leitch
Gunya Bhaidva Bhatt
Shari Wallis Williams
Madeleine Schickel
Saiba mais:
Customs House Museum
Declaração de Kitty Harvill
Saiba mais:
Customs House Museum
Declaração de Kitty Harvill
“Nature as Art, Art as Awareness” in the Customs House Museum. Begun in January of
2014, my idea was simple : To challenge myself and like minded artists to paint from a
Nature photo presented each Monday and to complete it within a week’s time. I had
challenged myself to daily painting in 2009 and reaped the rewards of such a strict
discipline, but wanted to be a little more generous and not as constricting with a
commitment every day for 365 days.
And so it began with three members myself, my husband and one of my best friends.
Soon, it began to grow in membership and by August of 2014 a biologist friend of mine
here in Brazil asked if we might feature the endangered species with which she works.
That week was a great success with the images being used in educational and
awarenessraising opportunities. The work also appeared in an article of the IUCN
(International Union for Conservation of Nature) website. That request was followed by
one from the biologist working with the threatened Giant armadillo in Brazil’s Pantanal
and funded by the Royal Zoological Society, also resulting in images used in
educational slideshow presentations. We have supported organizations promoting
awareness for the endangered Barbary Macaque of Morocco, the Wattled Curassow of
the Amazon, the critically endangered Northern Brown Howler of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest,
the Anteater of Brazil’s Cerrado, the Babirusa of Indonesia and the Philippine eagle. We
have also partnered with Rainforest Trust in painting the Lemurs of Madagascar and the
Sumatran Tiger. Our partnership with SAVE Brasil (Brazilian affiliate of BirdLife
International) has given us the opportunity to paint the endangered Jacutinga, or
Blackfronted Piping guan and the critically endangered Cherrythroated tanager. We
have also painted the Blackfaced lion tamarin, Vinaceousbreasted amazon parrot,
Maned wolf, Tapirs, Marsh deer, Giant river otter, Australian Koala and Sea turtles in
addition to florals and landscapes.
Our membership has grown to almost 400 members spanning four continents in less
than two year’s time. Members have found a supportive, artistic, online “family”. We also
have a complementary 52 WEEKS NPC Critique group for members wanting more
indepth critical analysis of their work from more experienced members. We range from
beginners and hobby artists, children and adults to seasoned professionals and are
joined together by our love of Nature, the process of creating art and the respect for all
artistic expressions produced in the group."
Kitty Harvill, AFC (Artists for Conservation)
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